Monday, March 28, 2011

His Dream

I can almost say its been months....well maybe a couple months that Garett has been constantly on the internet looking at cars. Since these old classic cars dont really lose their value....Gar thought this would be a great way to invest some money {he cant really trust anyone else to handle our money in the stock market...I dont blame him} And I kinda liked the idea of it too...that will give me a good excuse to get Garett to take me on some dates!!
~like the shirt Garett is wearing....ha....I made that for him when we were dating.

So he took a chance and bought the car without even looking at it in person. Crossing our fingers, we drove down to shelby to meet the truck with our car on it......well see for yourself...she is a beauty. Gar thinks the name Ruby Jean is fitting......nice...I have always wanted to name my Girls that it

A wee bit excited!!

We brought the 2 youngest with us....watching the car out the window. I buckled them in so I could do my duty and get some pictures of the car.....poor was a long day!

I guess I was a little excited too!

Filling her up

And of course.....booties

It was FREEZING cold that day...but luckily for us the roads were clear and dry

guilty...taking pictures while driving. I would never do that normally but since we were going like 60km/hr I thought it would be ok.

the kids love looking out at the car

its fun for a minute....then it turns into this.....ha

I think he's in love!


PamH said...

Wicked car!! I have an aunt named Ruby Jean!! :) Now you can come to Leth and cruise and honk whilst driving by our house, k? I want to see that yellow camera strap!! It looks so freaking cute. How much?? And what are you going to do with that freaking cute fur?

Kristyn said...

Now I know the whole story. When you want to go cruising with your man, bring those cute kids over.