Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The other night Kaida was feeling a bit scared. Every now and then she gets scared of the grinch. It is almost her favorite movie and she watches it fine, but that night she was scared.

So scared that she couldn't sleep and because Kaida was scared Jaks thought he needed to be scared too. So I looked high and low to make sure there was no grinch in our house. nothing worked. the kids were almost hysterical.

So Garett took Jaks and I crawled up on to the top bunk with Kaida. She sort of calmed down but she wasnt going to let me leave. Then I had a brilliant idea and a perfect teaching moment.

I told her to pray about it and ask to not feel scared and for help to go to sleep. She was embarrassed a bit to do it, but she did and I got to leave the room and sure enough she fell right to sleep.

The next morning Kaida woke up with a smile on her face and said to me " MOM....that prayer I said last night worked!"

The power of prayer is AMAZING and both Kaida's and my own testimony grew from that experience!

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